Friday, May 1, 2009

Some pics of Jereme

After looking at the last post I realized there weren't any pics of my hubby. BAD KIM! He always is nagging me that I don't take enough pics with him in them. So here you go.

Catching up with the Rauckmans

Wow, it's been way, way, way too long since I've updated this. No excuses. I guess I'm too busy being on Facebook these days. So for those of you out there on my case about this, here you go. Our family has been busy lately. We recently took a trip to southern Illinois to visit Jereme's grandma PG.("pretty grandma") We had a ton of fun catching up with the family and doing some fun things on the side. Jonah had a blast with the Easter egg hunt and ended up with way too much candy. He's still eating it to this day. On Easter, we got to see all of Jereme's family which was a blast.

We then took Jonah to the City Museum in St. Louis. It's kinda like a kids museum only I've never seen anything like this before. We spent probably 5 hours there. I'd recommend it to anybody. Way fun.

The last day we were there Jereme's uncle Jim arranged for Jonah to go to the Fire Station. He got to ride in a fire truck and hold the fire hose. They gave him a t-shirt and hat. He wore them the entire 8 hour car ride home.

Other than our little vacation Jereme and I are still busy with work and just everyday life. Jonah will turn 4 in July and Jack will be 1 in August. They grow way too fast. Jack started to crawl this week and is already getting into everything. I have a feeling he's gonna be a handful. It's all fun though. So now you're up to speed on the Rauckman family. Hope all of you are doing well.