Sunday, May 11, 2008

Baby Rauckman #2

I've had a lot of people email me or ask me about my pregnancy. So I thought this would give me a good opportunity to update everyone. My due date is August 27. So I'm almost 25 weeks along. We found out a month ago that we're having another boy! I'm feeling really good. I've been so fortunate to have had 2 great pregnancies. I'll let you know more if anything new happens.

Doll and Pet Parade

Jereme took Jonah to the Doll and Pet Parade downtown this weekend. I guess he had a blast, but the clowns he said were "really scary!"

A Day At Lowes Creek Park

Last weekend we went on a walk at Lowes Creek Park. It was a beautiful day and decided to take advantage of it.

Happy Mother's Day!

I just had to get a picture of Jonah and I with the flowers I got for Mother's Day. Jonah had told me the day before that I was getting them. Kids at that age have a hard time keeping a secret. He was just too excited. Hope everybody else had a great Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

New pictures

It's only been 6 months since I've added anything to my blog. I guess it's about time I updated you with some new pics. Jonah got a new bike a few weeks ago and absolutely loves riding it. He surprisingly does a really good job on it. We love to go around our block as much as we can. Isn't he so cute with his little helmet?